Monday, September 21, 2009

On a Motion by Councillor Mortelliti

Motion by Councillor Mortelliti to defer the recommendations of Staff report OP09-22 until the following minimum information has been satisfactorily provided:
1) Provide further financial data combined with a 20 year projection of the tax implications of the concurrent projects that will be required as a result ofimplementing Nobleton Sewers, as well as the 4.9 million dollar Township portion for the proposed Schomberg Arena Curling Facility, as well as other projects currently on the books.
2) Include projections for upgrades to the King City and Nobleton Arenas . Assumethe addition of an ice pad to each building, and the addition of fitness facilities for both, and an indoor pool for one of the two buildings in order to achieve reasonable service demands that will come into play once the projected populations are reached in each of these two villages of which King City is projected to have the largest population (12,000) of all 3 villages within the Township of King.
3) Include scenarios such as possible road, bridge, culvert or other infrastructure failures that could occur within a 20 year period and how they would be funded by debenture, and, illustrate the immediate impact of such failures should we exceed our debenture limits and how this would directly impact the general tax rate, should the Townships debt capacity be exceeded.
4) Create a scenario for a 3 million dollar road failure in the year 2012 (such as the failure that occurred on 8thconcession did this year), also include a large concrete road culvert failure in the year 2015 into the projection, and another in 2018.
5) Show this within the context of our current debt capacity, as well as within the context of increased debt capacity should the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) approve our request to increase our debt ceiling.
6) Show this within the context of the MMAH and OMB denying this request. 7) Show our current debt limit and debt room, and the projected debt limit, and debt room for 2014.
8) Show the current, and projected value of all Township reserve funds for January 2015.
9) Get the RFP out for the detail engineering design of the entire village of Nobleton (this still hasn’t been done yet)
10)Stipulate the RFP provide a separate fee for Option 3
11)Petition the province for grant funding on the basis of source water protection
12)Petition the region for further funding, over and above the 1.3 million, in order to offset operational issues of the treatment plant
13)Negotiate with the development community, in the same manner that was negotiated for King City, for the securement of a subsidy for each existing dwelling assuming the implementation of Option 1. Recommend the development community form a group to cost share the provision of the subsidy that will facilitate the commissioning of the treatment plant in order to remove the H provisions from their draft plans. (this is an assumed requirement based on the information provide on Page 11, paragraph 3 of the report.

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